
Ok guys I did it, I started a fashion blog! I'm just getting started out here and I have some direction of where I want this to go but I'm also excited to see how that may change too. I want to give my readers some solid fashion advice and showcase some of the stylish happenings around me. I'd also like to feature any future client's progress in their wardrobe and personal style development. After deciding to pursue this project I agonized for about a week and a half on which Webhost to use. I finally decided on Blogger because it's free (woohoo!) and I want to keep this project fun and relatively stress free. As I've recently started investigating blogging I've come to realize that people actually make an income at it and I think that's really cool! Who knows maybe I will be a big shot one day ;) but for now I want to try my hand at it and see how I enjoy it. Especially after moving so far away I thought this might be another great way to keep in touch with those I love and miss and connect with new friends as well. XOXO I initially resisted this idea because I didn't want to be more white noise on the internet. I heard a really great quote recently "...the internet has no shortage of things to read. But it does have a shortage of things worth reading." (Dale Partridge) and that being said on the flip side I've been so encouraged by countless individuals via Pinterest, Instagram, etcetera on a wide variety of different topics (from how to create a perfect top knot bun to how to become a better parent) and feel that if I can benefit a small handful of people's lives with my blogging I'll be happy! I've also realized that during the beautiful daily grind of parenting it's important to maintain some hobbies and personal interests of my own, for my health and well being and to be an example to Coralee as well. So there is my lengthy introduction on my "why" and "what" of starting a blog. Hopefully I'll have some exciting new articles for you soon! Let me know what kinds of posts you'd like to see going forward (they're mostly going to be fashion and shopping related however I'm open for suggestions!) I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, love you all. 
I like to call this look my "Mom uniform" I'm all about having quality and classic basics that you can mix and match for an effortless, smart casual look. More on that topic in a future post!

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